The Lhasa Atlas
The Lhasa Atlas
Traditional Tibetan Architecture and Townscape
One of the results of five years research in the remaining part of Old Lhasa. All existing old maps of the town were looked up Worldwide and new ones constructed from resent Chinese mapping and own surveys. 300 buildings, housing as well as religious-, that were found to be old (pre1950) were surveyed in 60 different aspects, compared with old photos, measured and evaluated. Townscapes with references to the surrounding landscape and monumental buildings were compared with old photos.
Lavishly illustrated with new drawings, watercolours, architectural plans, maps and new and old photos it is a luxurious publication, which was heartedly welcomed by the community of Tibetologists as well as by
general art lowers. A few copies of the American (Shambahla) edition are still available (2024) but the English edition (Serindia) is sold out. The book also came in a Chinese/Tibetan edition in 2005 published by The Norwegian Embassy in Beijing and distributed all over China to Universities, Libraries, planning departments and researchers.